Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost me money to use the Funeral Arranger™?

  • If you are a customer looking for funeral providers, you will pay nothing to use the Funeral Arranger™.

Why does the Funeral Arranger™ work?

  • The Funeral Arranger™ was founded and created by funeral business professionals who have been funeral home owners, managers, and directors. These are people who are committed to exceptional customer care and service.
  • The founders are grief and bereavement experts who are seasoned caregivers that understand the needs of those dealing with a loss of a loved one.
  • By focusing on the answers to very critical questions to be sure your discussion with funeral providers will be informative.

If I use this program, will I still have to go to the funeral home?

  • Once you have selected a funeral provider, you will need to go to the funeral home to finalize your arrangements.
  • The nice part of this process is that from beginning to end, the decision is yours. You are not obligated to utilize any of the funeral homes provided. As a matter of fact, we provide you with the option to select additional providers if you would like more options.

How do I know who will be contacting me?

  • Once you submit your options to the Funeral Arranger™, we will determine the funeral homes that meet your needs and submit those providers to you for review.
  • The information submitted to you will allow you to research those providers online, by reference, or by phone. This allows you to be more educated before you accept their call.
  • When the funeral provider contacts you, they will be familiar with your situation and will be prepared to answer any questions you might have.

What if I don’t like the funeral home selections that the program chooses?

  • After you receive your list of qualified professionals, you may submit a request back to receive more available providers.